Do Atheists Have A better Chance?

Debate Information

.....of going to Heaven than theists, assuming, of course, that there is a Heaven.

At last count, there are approximately 10,000 Gods being worshipped, therefore the odds of a religious believer getting to Heaven is 1/10,000 and we haven't taken into account the different denominations within each religion.

Now, if we accept that God is loving and forgiving, when an atheist comes to the pearly gates, a simple explanation like "well sir, I lived my life not knowing you existed because you left no signs or evidence that you exist, and the only people talking about you were absolute nut cases who could not explain their way out of a paper bag".....would surely get him into the promised land.

Let's face it theists, you have placed a stick in the stand by believing one God and chances are 10,000 to 1 that you have the wrong one.
And you know how "He" does not take too kindly to worshipping false gods.

Is it worth the risk?

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